Parish mission

We are a diverse Anglo-Catholic community, built on the traditional lands of the Wurundjeri people.

Our parish mission is underpinned by our parish Mission Action Plan 2021- 2023, which outlines our aspirational goals for the coming three years: what we will be, what we will focus on and how we will succeed.

Our parish mission action statement is “Worshipping Christ in the Eucharist; Serving Christ in the World”.

Parish mission action plan

By 2023, we will be:

  1. a flourishing Anglo-Catholic community of faith;

  2. a cohesive community built on shared values and respect where people are invited and supported to contribute their gifts to the service of the Church;

  3. developing the next generation of lay and ordained leaders for both our community and the broader Anglo-Catholic tradition.

Between 2021 and 2023 will be focusing on:

  1. renewal and deepening of Anglo-Catholic spirituality, liturgy, music and commitment to social action;

  2. faith development: sacramental and vocational formation; and

  3. rebuilding pastoral care and a culture of trust and hospitality.

We will succeed by:

  1. a focus on Anglo-Catholic teaching and devotional practice;

  2. drawing on the talents and charisms of our community;

  3. developing ministries which are sustainable;

  4. forming and growing partnerships with aligned organisations;

  5. building our youth and tertiary student engagement; and

  6. intentionally connecting with our broader community, including the needy and marginalised.

To achieve our goals, we will need:

  1. people, resources, money, and proper use of our property assets;

  2. partnership capabilities to support social justice outreach;

  3. good governance and strong internal structures; and

  4. an effective communication strategy within the parish and with the broader community.

We will measure our success by:

  1. how we move among one another as a community being drawn closer to God;

  2. the number of people attending and engaging in worship, parish events and activities, ministries and faith development;

  3. how we are able to improve our financial situation; and

  4. annual Mission Action Plan reviews on both quantitative and qualitative measures.